Your job might not exist this time next month, here’s why…


Meet John.

John’s an electrician.

He’s forced to sell his 5-bedroom apartment and move back in with his parents because he was just laid off and he can’t afford the mortgage anymore.

John’s just one out of 1600 people who lost their jobs to a robot.

SEPT Co., an electronics manufacturing company where John worked for 7 years, replaced 90 percent of its1800 person workforce with robotic machinery.


1600 families left without a source of income.

25% will file for welfare within 6 months.

25% will settle for a lower paying job.

40% will collect unemployment.

10% will get rich.

It’s the 10% who say screw it to being an insignificant and interchangeable screw in a system which can cut off their income overnight and who go in business for themselves to create their own job using the internet

Here’s how they do it and how you can too!


Ziv Halevy