2 Prayers for Protection and Healing

Good Evening Circle of Chi Family,
Did You Miss Rasaji’s Prayer Training? Watch the Replay!
If you weren’t able to attend last Friday’s powerful private training with Master Lama Rasaji on Prayers for Protection and Healing, the replay is now available.
During these uncertain times, this special teaching provides invaluable wisdom and techniques for safeguarding health, uplifting spirits, and fortifying loved ones through devoted prayer.
In the training, Rasaji expertly guides you through sacred mantras, affirmations, meditations and rituals to shield against illness and fear. Rediscover prayer’s profound power to bring comfort, hope and light.
Do not miss this gift of practical methods and divine inspiration to carry you through turmoil into grace. Rasaji’s blessings surround you always.
Watch the prayers for healing and protection replay now:

Master Lama Rasaji

