When your HOT your HOT and this program is on FIRE!

When your HOT your HOT and this program is on FIRE!
Also get on a live conference call to hear all about it. that info is below
Looking For a Real Economic Stimulus Plan?
If you’ve been searching for a fast paying opportunity that can put you in the money fast … Your Search Just Ended!
A 2×2 Re-Cycling Matrix That Pays $325 per 2×2 Matrix (only 6 positions total)!

100% Matching Bonuses from each member in your matrix!

Leadership Bonuses of $100 on Personally sponsored people when they cycle

Total Income per Matrix = $2275.00 * PLUS!

The Auto Pilot Recruiting System will Sponsor People For You!
1 Unit cost $89.00 they will sponsor 2 people for you making this a PASSIVE Program
NOTE, when you join with one profit center for $300 and you also take one Recruiting unit for $89.00 then you can work this program as a PASSIVE program so you don’t have to worry about sponsoring anyone the Recruiting system does that for you. How sweet is that!
If you’re like most American’s, your “Economic Income Payment” will pay your bills for about one week! How is that going to help you survive the deep recession that many experts are predicting? $2,000 weekly income
form a single 2×2 re-cycling matrix is your Answer!
This is the Economic Stimulus That Can Stimulate
Your Economy in These Volatile Economic Times!

Please listen to this 3 – minute Sizzle Call

Please get back to me if you have any questions or need my help in any way. once you join with me and if you want to be active or you can use the Recruiting System and stay PASSIVE or both.
Live Conference calls every Tuesday and Thursday night PH# 425-436-6385 Access Code 8525353#

Time 8.PM Eastern * 7.PM Central * 5.PM Pacific and Saturday 12 noon EST * 11 AM CST

Coach Sonya Harris

PH-678 768 9375