### [first_name], Don’t delay – secure your future today!

Hello and Welcome! Dear friend, [first_name].

Secure Your Financial Future Today
 So that you and your closest can have
a worry-free future for the rest of your life.
 This one program is all that it takes and my
team guarantees to get you 6 or more paying members for you.

 And You Know What? Our team is so confident in our recruiting
strategy that we even guarantee Y O U R referrals 6 or more

 This way everybody starts earning money and nobody ever
gives up.

 Our team is growing exponentially.

 Secure Your Financial Future T O D A Y

WARNING: Many people will dismiss this message
and make the HUGE mistake in saying
“I don’t have enough time, money or experience”.
Well guess what… none of that matters!
This could be the changing point of your life.
Make the time and take action.

Yuri Grin
internet entrepreneur
Toronto, Canada
skype: grinyuri
+1 (416) 566-3076

Salmon swim upstream for New Life…
Only the Dead go with the Flow!