YOU Want Action? YOU Get Action! Pushing and Shoving Encouraged!

YOU Want Action?  YOU Get Action! Pushing and Shoving Encouraged!

Pushing and Shoving Encouraged!




This is not your Great Aunt Ida’s advertising program.
There is no “oh please, after you…” or “no problem, I’ll wait…”

NO WAY. Either Lead, Follow, Or Move Out Of The Way!

When it comes to generating income in the ShurAds Activity Line, you can be sure there will be PLENTY of pushing and shoving.

As In: People who have joined AFTER you pushing your positions up through the Activity Line 2×1 matrix!

And… Shoving your positions to cycle, from level to level.

All YOU need to do is get those positions into the matrix
(that means be active – place and view ads).

Then sit back and watch your positions get pushed and shoved up the Activity Line. YOU Want Action…We Give YOU ACTION!

Hurry, don’t let one more person jump in front of you – join NOW.

Jump On This Like A Hog On A June Bug!


john worsham
