Hey [FIRST_NAME] This System Works! Be A Part Of It!


The System I created, The Direct Placement System for Savings Highway Global is working.
Members of our team are receiving Paid Signups. It is exciting giving away Paid Signups.
These are actual direct signups it gives out, not just placed in your downline. I hope you
realize how powerful this system can be. The ultimate goal is for everyone to be financially
free but the first goal is to get everyone’s membership covered each month which is only $20 at
the Gold Membership. SHG is not a fly by night company. The company has been founded in
2006 and launched SHG back in 2019. It has paid out millions and also saved members millions
in savings. If you are not a member in SHG I highly recommend joining my team with the Direct
Placement System. It will only cost $20 to get onboard and will get FREE promotion with the DPS!
I really don’t know why anybody would pass this up! SHG Is The Place To Be! Find Out Why In The Credit Link!

To Your Success,

Jerry Weddle (Direct Placement System Admin)
