The Funnel Builder – Reinvented For A New Decade …


Everyone thinks a Corvette is awesome…

….until you drive a Ferrari 🙂

So let me ask you this question: “Are you happy with your current website / marketing funnel / page builder software or plugin?”

If not (you’re not alone) then you need to watch this secret video:


Mike Filsaime (who’s been behind some very popular platforms such as EverWebinar, WebinarJam, GrooveKart and others) is going to show you their biggest project yet …

…and how you can become an early BETA user plus get some really cool bonuses from me for about 1/10th the price of other well known platforms out there (Clickfunnels *cough*).

I got early access to it and have been blown away so far!

You’ll be able to create landing pages, marketing funnels and professionally branded websites and more with it.

Yes, I know there are some really big brands out there in this space right now and if you are happy using them that’s fine 🙂

But if you’re tired of paying of spending days or even weeks trying to figure out how to use them.

OR giving up only to have to later pay people to create pages and funnels for you …

…then you really need to watch this video today:


You will not only get an amazing deal on the new GroovePages 2.0…

…(potentially saving you thousands of dollars per year).

==> Get Your Beta Access Invite Here:

==> Check Out All Your Extra Bonuses From Me Here:

This will not last forever though – it ends midnight January 5th – (why pay more for less later?), so make sure to check this out today!

All the best,
Gary Nugent.