Where all are equal.


Dark hearts and the suffocation of the
conscience has been at the root of
most problems throughout history.
J. P. Morgan during the Civil War
bought five thousand rifles for $3.50
each from an army arsenal, and then
sold them to a general in the field for
$22 each. The rifles were defective
and would shoot off the thumbs of the
soldiers using them. Morgan had
escaped military service in the Civil
War by paying $300 to a substitute.
So did Rockfeller, Carnegie, Armour,
and Mellon. These people felt that
other people’s lives were less
valuable than their own. Join us and
make a positive difference in the world.
Together we can change it for the
better. Step up to better. A new and
better normal. Life is too short for
anything less than the very best. Join
us today! http://www.thisworks.biz

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.