ORU Marketplace is NOT a Payment Processor


You may have seen some people come out in the last
couple of weeks and speak out against ORU. I had one
person moan at me that they got inside and it wasn't a
payment processor because they couldn't put buy
buttons on their website.

Well NO, it isn't really a payment processor at all, 
although I may have claimed it was. You can however transfer money between yourself and other ORU members for free and it has a whole host of great features.

With your ORU premium membership you get a great pre
pay VISA card that works in dollars (Great for people
in and outside the US that want to buy online) The best thing about these cards is that you limit your risk because no one can take out more than what you have in there. I use my card as my main online card now.

ORU Market place lets you add your services and
products and this is one of the parts I love the most.
Another great way to sell ORU pay lets you send money to other members all over the world with no fees at all.

ORU Social is a social platform that allows you to
perform most of the tasks that you can on other social
networks but it is great to have a separate work one
as to not take up to much time on your main private
life network. I use it for ads and Chat now.

Finally ORU protocol rewards you with $10 for each
person you introduce that buys the premium membership
and a part of the monthly membership fee too.

So like I said if you have not checked it out yourself,
then check out my link here, we even have a partners
site with videos on using ORU Premium. 

And it comes with a rewards system, allowing you to have a residual income by telling others about us.

You owe it to yourself to take a serious look at this.
Open in 96 countries and growing!

Get started TODAY!

Tish Snider
