LAUNCH ALERT: Pennies 4 Profits

Good Day Marketers,

I have spent over 120k on
biz opp leads in the past 20
years so I know my stuff.

So when I was looking at
Pennies 4 Profits I was
skeptial that 1 Penny leads
would be of ANY value.

Boy was I shocked…


Here’s what you get:

– 100 premium biz opp leads EVERY day

– You can download them and do whatever
you want with them.

– You can also import them into the
Pennies 4 Profits provided mailer
and mail them every 24 hours just
like a safelist

But unlike a safelist, these people
ARE NOT just trying to earn credits
by clicking your links.

They have GENUINE interest in biz opp
and Internet Marketing and are EXPECTING
to hear from someone just like you.

And this is DIRECTLY reflected in your

Earlier this morning I imported my
latest batch of 100 leads into the
Pennies 4 Profits mailer and sent
out the SAME ad I use on safelists.

241 Clicks
19 Optins
4 sales @ 55.00 each = 220.00 from ONE mailing.

I just DON’T get these kind of conversions
on safelists. It’s absolutely shocking!

I’ll be online all day. Email me
if you need a hand setting this


Jenna Pauley
Lead Consultant

~~ If you don’t build your
dream, someone else will hire
you to help them build theirs ~~