Want 50,000 subscribers for ONLY $25.00 per month?


I am going to keep this short and sweet because the value is INSANE.

Gone are the days of expensive email marketing!!

How would you like to be able to email 50,000 people
as much as you want for just $25.00 per month!!

INSANE right? Most companies charge at least $300.00 per month to do the same thing.

Well.. here is your private invite ~FIRSTNAME~!!

This is not live yet, but get on the early bird list by creating your free account today!!

Click on my personal Send Shark link here: http://TheEliteMoneyGroup.com/SendShark

Just take 2 seconds and get on the list because this
will save you thousands in costs over the years!!

And yes… HIT the INBOX every time!!

To our Online Success,


Carl J. Weinfurtner II
Online/Affiliate Marketer
Four Percent & NowLifestyle Pro Level Member

Four Percent Group: http://TheEliteMoneyGroup.com/10kChallenge
NowLifestyle.com: http://TheEliteMoneyGroup.com/EliteLifestyle

E-mail: carlwii1966@gmail.com