Three Wishes

If you could have three wishes, what would they be?

And what if someone could make them come true?

An 11-year-old girl named Ruby found out. While tagging along with her mom Amanda, whose job was to travel to various nursing homes in the area, Ruby decided to introduce herself with a pen and notepad to residents and ask them a simple question:

“If you could have any three things, any three things, what would they be? What would you want?”

She had no idea what she would hear. She did it out of sheer curiosity and a sincere desire to help.

She expected to hear about fancy cars and expensive things. What she heard instead were simple requests for things like electric razors, new shoes and other really basic items. Oh, and everyone seemed to want Vienna sausage for some reason, too.

So Ruby started a charity called Three Wishes for Ruby’s Residents.

While her mom is caring for patients, Ruby goes room to room, jots down wishes for things like avocados, and then sets out to grant those wishes.

Ruby has a GoFundMe to cover costs. But again, no one is asking for a sports car here. Her expenses are minimal, especially compared to the rewards.

Whether she knows it or not, Ruby is satisfying some much more basic human needs here to be remembered to be cherished especially by a child.

That is what our seniors are truly hungry for. And that is what Ruby brings every time she sets foot in a nursing home. Who needs a Lamborghini?

The moral of the story is we all have wishes and my wish is for you to make the right decision and join the Easy Commission Funnel…
