Earn Coins by Posting & Sharing Request Your Free Coin today!!!


Thank you for taking a moment to know about us. We are a social media platform that combines most of the social aspects of Facebook with online buying and selling like eBay. The difference is, our users, who we call citizens, receive 97% of the profit empowr generates instead of giving it to shareholders or advertising companies.

If you already know how to post status updates, pictures and videos… And if you already know how to ‘like” or “comment” on the posts of your friends, you already know most of what you need to know to earn coins on the empowr platform.

We believe our recently launched coin will become the world’s dominant cryptocurrency in the next few years. Just visit this site for briefing=> https://stareen9.wixsite.com/empowr
We are excited about it because it features all the three things a currency must have to be widely used — demand, utility and stability.

Instead of selling you this coin, we would like to give you one for free, and introduce you to our democratic social economy, where you can get paid to do what you do every day on Facebook and Twitter for free!

To join in and claim your free coin, just click here and sign in=> http://profile.empowr.com/Profile/NewCustomProfile.aspx?u=32acba0005a74c34951cf32341a4a45c

Your Personal Success Coach,