[FIRST_NAME], A Master Plan

[FIRST_NAME], Terrence Hopkins would like to send you a personalized invitation.

It is time imminent, as ALL Founders Positions will close very soon.

“On Passive is a Disrupter in every True sense of the Word.
What we have Accomplished, and are Completing, is historical.
We are not Messing Around. We are creating HISTORY. We
are creating a value that will make YOU Successful beyond
YOUR imagination like never before!” Ash Mufareh

ON PASSIVE is the answer to healing the world.
Through our work and A Master Plan of giving to others
we can do this.

It has the power to stop wars and raise the unfortunate
out of poverty. Even to provide drinking water to
everyone would be massive.

There will be nothing bigger than ON PASSIVE
nor will there be for years to come.

We have amassed 297,643 Paid Founders
since July of 2018. An increase of 1,800 since yesterday.

This is unheard of and to top it off
we can do EVERYTHING for you.

Terrence Hopkins
Paid member since August 18th 2018.

PS: Once ON PASSIVE launches it will grow
to millions of members, take advantage NOW
and you will find yourself in the top 1% of the company.