Move Your Network Marketing to Professional Status

So Many Affiliate Programs Make It Like the CB Radio of Network Marketing

Amateurs, Newbies, Dabblers, Hobbyists, Freebie Seekers

THESE people give Network Marketing a BAD NAME along with Scammers and just plain UNPROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR

Treat it like a business – YOUR BUSINESS


+ Treat it like a business – work at it EVERY DAY
+ Invest their time and money in their business
+ Form relationships with OTHER LIKE-MINDED professionals to help EACH OTHER succeed
+ Understand that BUSINESS is a PROCESS that requires continual update and tweaking
+ Nobody can do it alone
+ Know when to engage the right specialty resources (ad copy writers, trainers, tech support) and experts (accountants, lawyers, consultants)
+ Know how to leverage LEGITIMATE opportunities and tax deductions

There are tax benefits in most countries for having a BUSINESS

Most countries allow you to DEDUCT LEGITIMATE BUSINESS EXPENSES from your TAXABLE INCOME. This means that you could LEGALLY PAY LESS IN TAXES to the government

Some valid business deductions people don’t consider

+ Memberships – ie. your WorldProfit Silver Membership
+ Traffic packages and SEO
+ Upgrades to safelists and traffic exchanges
+ Leads
+ Training, ebooks, videos on Network Marketing or other topics relevant to your business

Start your business using all the AUTOMATIC processes to help you grow your business.

At WorldProfit, we call this platform the SILVER MEMBERSHIP

Learn More. Become a Free Associate.

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Rich Moyer

20+ years as a professional business consultant. I can help. Now retired, my consulting is NO CHARGE for serious marketers.
