Use Your Marketing Talents To Compete For $10,000 Cash This Month

The Ultimate Plan A– Compete Against 100 Other
Marketers To WIN  $10,000 In Cash..

Competition Has Started..
Let The Games Begin

You Have A PLAN A That”s Achievable.. One
That You Believe In..

There’s No Need For A PLAN B

Let me explain..

When I first started trying to Build my business
online I used think that I needed a backup plan..
You know just in case, the business that I believed
in in the very beginning just didn’t work out..

Now Listen To What I Just Said.. How Ignorant Is

I went over all of these things in my head.. I
knew something just didn’t sound right to me.. I
needed backup plan in case I Failed?? It didn’t sit
right with me but I know that’s what a lot other
people do, they have a back up..

After all I’m new at this, I thought.. Maybe that
is the smartest thing to do.. Difference I was.. I
wasn’t planning on failing..It’s crazy all of the
thoughts and inner chatter that you have..

It can get a bit confusing.. But

Then,one evening I was in an online training with my
mentor when he said some things that made me realize
that, what I was thinking, was actually were his mind
was.. That’s on of the many reasons you need to find
the right mentor..To help make the right decisions..

This is the way I think..

If you have “Plan A” that you’ve put the in the
time and effort to create. Then in your minds-eye,
going through your thought process, visualize your
plan from the beginning, middle to end..

If you have a plan that is achievable..that you
believe in the process in the beginning,that makes
sense to and will provide value to others..

There’s no need for a “Plan B”

You don’t stop having Faith in your business or
yourself just because it’s not as easy as you
thought it would be..

Basically when you go to create a back up plan, even
just in your mind.. You are setting yourself up to

Your brain believes anything you tell..

So why not say “Hey Brain” there’s a Plan A here with
a No FAIL OPTION .. You just don’t quit>> You will make
your>> first million dollars..

Don’t have a Plan A yet.. You can use mine.. I’m about
to compete against 100 other Marketers for $10,000
this month and You Can Too.. Plus, I will let you borrow
my millionaire mentor..

Good Luck & God Bless! 🙂


To Our Success,
Rebecca Stepp

When you sign up today as my referral.. you will see
my email address in your backoffice.. I will send you
another Free Software and A surprise gift today..

Send Me Email Saying You Paid Your Referral Fee..I will
Send Your Free.. 🙂
