As Easy as ‘Follow Me’!


As Easy as “Follow Me!”

Now, thanks to the ingenuity of the Silent Salesman Mobile Marketing Platform, you only need to invite your prospects and or customers to simply “follow me” on your “ICAN Connect Us” social media app!

Due to the tremendous popularity of social media, this is removes all the typical resistance in trying to get prospects to subscribe to email lists and other opt in services! Then, once your prospects/customers become SUBSCRIBERS, you can easily reach them 24/7 for any announcements, news flashes, menu changes, sales, promotions… you get the picture.

No longer does you have to rely on the increasingly ineffectiveness of email, or worry about losing customers due to Spam SMS text messages. You can now immediately reach out to every single subscriber, and put any desired message exactly where it will get the best “bang for the buck”… right on their smartphone!

By combining our new and innovative social media total app, and presence with our unparalleled “Mini Mobile Website” (which, get this, comes already set up to promote ITJ, but can easily be customized and changed to promote ANYTHING you want), we have created the IDEAL Mobile Marketing Platform which you can now use to promote your InvitationToJoin business, or ANY business or businesses you wish!


Chauncey Penfold
