The Auto Pilot Recruiting System will Sponsor People For You!

Dear Future Partner , [FIRST_NAME]

These Are The Top 10 Reasons Why YOU need to be Positioned in SOS Today:

1. This is ground floor and, in this business, the most money is always made by those who get positioned early.

2. The SOS 2×2 has created a complete, turn-key, marketing system that is hitting the online scene with a splash.

3. The Marketing System is part of the product and it will recruit people for you. .

4. The income potential with The SOS 2×2 is unlimited. You will earn $325 every time you fill a simple 2×2 matrix (only 6 positions).

5. You will also earn 100% Matching Bonuses every time one of any of the members from your 2×2 matrix complete a 2×2 cycle. A total of OVER $2,000 per 2×2 matrix!

6. We pay commissions on-time! Getting paid is the name of the game and every Friday is pay day with The SOS 2×2 so you don’t have to wait for weeks or months to make money.

7. The marketing pros who are positioned at the top of this matrix are blasting this opportunity through the Internet community – millions of people are receiving emails just like this… and we’re just getting started.

8. You can start making money right away. Get started this week and your first check can be on its way to you next week.

9. My team is positioned at the top of this matrix and we are sponsoring hundreds of people. Just like everybody else, we are each limited as to how wide we can build our matrix so guess where all the people that we sponsor go? That’s right: downline!

10. The world is in turmoil and it’s not going to get better soon! Secure your future today with a stream of residual income that can better prepare you for the uncertainties of tomorrow!

You should get back to us right away so we can get all the exciting details to you. This is a company that is on track to become one of the bright stars of this industry and you have an opportunity to get positioned in this before most people even hear about it.

If you have any questions just reach out to me. If you’d like to contact the company for any reason, I’ve provided that information below for you!.


Charles Brooks