Hi Friends,
Myriam Galeano here,

Hope you are doing well

WE have a referral contest starting at referral frenzy that you might want to know about

its going to pay out for sure and in 30 days

30 day contest for top referrer

While you do need to be a pro member to get referrals you will find that the price for an upgrade is given back to you 100x over with bonuses!!

this is the top advertising package you could ever dream of!

100,000 mail credits
139999 banners and texts
15,000 surf credits

BiGGEST bonus area ever!

Its a full on contest with 5 random winners for just having one upgraded referral.

But the real winners are those who find the site and use it and utilize all that great advertising and the mailer tool that mails out to over 108 sites now in minutes

Top prize is 100.00 dollars

Join up and see what your missing or those who know the site do some promotions and get yourself on that leaderboard

Best wishes,
