Track your advertising, then use what works!

Hey There,


    Josh Abbott is the owner of Hits connect

To Celebrate the new year and help you start this year off right.

He’s offering for a limited time 1-year HitsConnect Professional Memberships only $47.

If you aren’t tracking and testing results for your online business, you are wasting a lot of money. Without tracking, there’s a lot you won’t know:

If you have used any of the LFMTE’s rotators you already know how well these rotators work. Using your own account rather. than the TEs.

You can track at each individual site, clicks, signups etc.

Plus, when you are adding sites you can add them right from your account.

All the campaigns you have set up are available from participating TEs


Regards Mark

PS If you are already a member you ought to get this upgrade now
