==> ….4.0 Just Launched! Your Invite to Explode Your Biz


LeadsLeap 4.0 Has Finally Launched

LeadsLeap 4.0 has been in the making for 2 years.

Finally, everything we set out to do have been completed.

What’s New In LeadsLeap 4.0?
I feel weird to say “What’s New” because there is nothing new TODAY.

“What’s New” was established over 2 years.

Nevertheless, compared to LeadsLeap 3.0, these are the new features:

SendSteed, a full-fledged list management system, so that every member can now build a list professionally.
A page builder, so that every member can build stunning opt-in pages (or other pages) easily.
A funnel manager for Pro Members to manage the flow of their Pages.
Image and Pdf hosting for Pro Members.
Other improvements in existing tools, too many to mention here. You can read the updates in our blog.
The main objective of LeadsLeap 4.0 is to turn LeadsLeap into an all-in-one lead generation system.

And I think we have more or less done that.

Today, it is timely to move release LeadsLeap 4.0 officially.

New Homepage
I want to let our old members and those who have ‘seen LeadsLeap but not joined‘ to know that LeadsLeap has changed.

So we revamped our homepage.

You can see it here.

I believe it will boost the sign up rate.

It’s The Beginning
LeadsLeap 4.0 not only marks a new chapter for us, it can also be a new chapter for you.

We spent 2 years to build THE BEST system for you.

It’s time for this system to bring out THE BEST in you.

I invite you to grow with LeadsLeap… even outgrow LeadsLeap.

That’s my challenge to you.

Of course, we won’t stop here.

We will continue to add more features and improvements.

As always, the best is yet to be…
