Comfort is a Drug

I saw this on Instagram this morning:

Comfort is a drug
Give someone regular sex, fast food and fr-ee
entertainment and they will throw their ambitions right
out the door.

The comfort zone is what is stopping you from living the
life you truly want.

To get something you have never had, you need to do
something you have never done.

How long have you been working your biz with no results?
Do you spend hours and hours daily on the computer
without making anything?

Everyone has been there. You don’t just sit down at the
computer one day and say “I’m going to get rich today.”
Click the magic button and your bank account is full.

It takes time and effort.

You can find easy results in the beginning. Once you
have burned through your current network you need to
expand. You need to dig for leads in a different spot.
If you have always used social media, try safelists. If
you have always used safelists, try social media. If you
have always used fr-ee traffic, try paid traffic.

Staying in your comfort zone is easy. So is staying

Do something different today. Start a paid traffic source
that only costs a buck.

I am getting double-digit conversions. This is super
simple. You sign up. Submit your link. Watch the leads

I went for the 6-month option for 34.90. Totally worth

Start now; thank me later.

It is the start that stops most people.

Jim Stemen
livethedream6882 (at) gmail (dot) com
Telegram (at)jimstemen
