The reality of making money in a recession


You don’t need us to tell you that we’re
living in very unusual times. You already
know that we’re likely to see a pretty
severe recession worldwide in the coming
months (if it’s not already here).

At times like this you might wonder
whether it’s possible to secure your
future. We can tell you with certainty
that you can.

Recessions always produce opportunity for
those who pay attention.

That’s not to say you can take advantage
of people. But there will be online
opportunities for you, for sure if you
keep looking for them.

Back in the recession of 2008 our online
businesses generated more revenue. There’s
every opportunity for yours to do the

The reason for the increase was simple. We
researched what people were looking for.

And then we produced it and offered it to

If it sounds simple, it kind of is. Find
what the market wants (not needs, wants)
and then make it or point them to where
they can get it.

Quite a few people have been in touch over
the last few weeks mentioning their fears
for the future.

Take heart. There are opportunities for
you and all of us.

You just have to look out for them.

Here’s to your success, [FIRST_NAME]!

Jr R Nahan