It’s Madness, I Tell You-MADNESS!

Do you know what one definition of *insanity* is?

Insanity is doing the SAME thing over and over,
expecting a DIFFERENT result!

And I’ll just bet you a shiny new nickel that YOU’RE
doing the same crazy things that I did. You’re
spending hours every day posting to FFA sites and
classified ad sites. You’re sweating bullets trying to
get good placement in the search engines. You’re using
pop-unders, and pop-overs, and banner ads, and click
exchanges. Maybe you’re even buying those so-called
*guaranteed* clicks.

And I’d also bet that you’re getting ZERO RESULTS!

Think about it – if you’re getting the SAME lousy
results day in and day out, then WHY keep doing the
SAME things over and over!? No, my friend, I’m NOT
making fun of you. Because I, too, spent months doing
the same things YOU’RE doing and I, too, had
NOTHING to show for it.

Then I discovered a simple method to CHANGE things!

++ I can show you how to get good, targeted clicks to
your website – unlimited quantities of QUALITY leads!

++ I can show you how to complete all of your
marketing chores in one-half hour, ONCE a DAY!
It’s simply not necessary to waste HOURS a day
on your computer – IF you know what to do!

++ I can show you a simple technique to generate, not
just one or two, but TWELVE income streams at once!
Start FILLING your bank account, instead of draining it!

So stop the insanity! Give me ten seconds to PROVE
what I’m telling you, and take a look at the website below!

And – if something is unclear, please email,
or even CALL me. I might not have ALL the
answers, but I WILL be happy to help in any way I can!

Phyllis Wolfe