Your focus determines your reality

Everyone was talking about this and now I know why
Whether you’re solving a problem, writing a blog post, crafting a review or creating your next product, creativity is one of your best tools for getting the job done with finesse and style. With that in mind, here are a few methods anyone can use to become more creative. What is all the talk about being creativity? It really does make sense. Let me know what you think. Keep reading to the end and increase your income.
Free write – This is where you just start writing anything and continue to write as the words and ideas flow. At first it may be silly nonsense, but you’ll be surprised how fast your words and ideas can coalesce into something truly inspired.
Carry a notebook – By jotting down ideas as soon as they appear, two things happen. First, you don’t forget your ideas because you’ve got a written record. Second, the act of writing them down tells your subconscious that you want ideas, which will encourage it to give you even more.
Make lists – The very act of writing things down frees up your mind to be more creative.
Take breaks from your work – Get up, walk around, play 5 minutes of hopscotch – whatever. Just take a breather. My daughter, was in truck driving school, she struggled, prayed, and struggle more, and did not pass her driving test, so she came home, got away from the truck driving environment. We had fun just laughing, and talking about just nothing. A day later, her mind was clear, she will able to focus on her dream, to be a 18 wheeler truck driver, but she had to pass that driving test. Because she prayed trusted God, she was determined to pass that test, and she did. Now she knows that her focus determined her reality. She is now an 18-wheeler truck driver. Keep your WHY, in focus, your WHY? will remind you of why did your join FSI. Your focus determines your reality.
Be open to new ideas – All too often we dismiss an idea before giving it a real chance. Even if you think it’s a bad idea, try playing devil’s advocate and find all the reasons why it’s it a good idea – you might be surprised. FSI has many ideas, promoting ideas, and the best of training. FSI not only has great training, the training will provoke your own Ideas.
Make friends with mistakes – When you goof up or make the wrong decision, realize it’s not the end of the world. It’s simply something that didn’t work at the moment. This allows your creativity to continue to Be you – Don’t worry about what others might think because no great idea is without naysayers anyway. In fact, if everyone thinks your idea is great, then it’s probably not.
One last tip: Ask “Why?” and “Why not?” a lot. Often times we just accept things as they are, when there could be a whopper of an idea just staring us in the face the whole time.
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