1. General rules of the ADVearn system:
In our system, you will find 2 earning options by clicking on the ad on the partner site, or by visiting and viewing the site of the partner site, where you do not click on the ad. In both cases, after redirecting to the site, you must see a panel with our logo and information at the bottom. You will also find a link in the panel to redirect back to the administration.
When clicking on ads, you must spend at least 15 seconds on the web after clicking on the ad!
You must always turn off ad blocking in your browser when clicking or visiting a partner website.
It is forbidden to click on the advertisement with the possibility of earning No. 2 (visit to the website). Repeated violations of this rule will result in immediate account suspension.
2. Remuneration system:
For each person registered through your affiliate link, you will receive 10% of all their earnings during the first year of their activity. You will find a unique link in the Bonuses section.
Honest daily activity pays off! At the end of each month, the system will automatically allocate € 2 to each member who is logged in to the system each day.
3. Payment of remuneration:
Remuneration is paid automatically, always on the 22nd day of the month. The minimum transaction amount is CZK 3,000 (€ 117.05)