[FIRST_NAME], You Will Kick Yourself If You Miss This.. Ya Gotta Take THE TOUR

It’s no surprise that LiveGood is officially the FASTEST GROWING COMPANY in the industry.

[FIRST_NAME], How is this company able to attract such a massive flow of prospects and sign ups?

Answer: It has broken the “code”, as it markets the most sought after wellness products at ridiculously cheap prices; yet not forsaking quality; and their new Power Line Compensation Plan is blowing away the competition right and left!

[FIRST_NAME], In addition to this killer well structured compensation plan; global outreach; no auto-ships; and six ways to earn commissions, makes this a compelling top-tier company to join as an affiliate marketer!

Wowza! Pretty soon we’ll all be trilling “Zip-a-dee-doo-dah,
zip-a-dee-ay; My, oh, my, what a wonderful day”!!

[FIRST_NAME], Take Immediate Action NOW and OPT-IN to Take the

Wishing you much success,

James Yahnke
LiveGood Power of One Team

Your Consummate Email Marketing Pro
Bottom Line: Our Journey to Health and Wealth!
