[FIRST_NAME], You Must Get Your Promotion Seen… to Succeed!

Greetings [FIRST_NAME],

Welcome Friend to the world of online marketing!

I am reaching out to you because of all the “tools”
needed to succeed, the most important is the
“advertiser’s”, in that the only way to get your
promotion out there for others to see is through
the use of advertising sites!

Therefore, I Am Very Excited to Share This With YOU!

Finally, a site that really has your best interests
at heart and gives you the tools you need to succeed,
and the amount of valuable time saved is amazing!

You must have this advertising site in your advertising
portfolio, because you can send your promotion to over
125 mailers and traffic exchanges in less than 10 minutes
DAILY, and that’s reaching lots of seasoned and “newbie”
online marketers who are just getting started!

In addition, you have easy signups for free memberships
and thus qualify for monthly Bonus Credits added
automatically to your list of mailers and traffic exchanges.

I really like this new feature added because you have
great flexibility… you can schedule up to 300 ads
30 days in advance as an auto-send feature!

So No More Excuses! Join Now… Don’t Delay!!

James Yahnke
autoweb.cash4u (at) gmail (dot) com

Your Consummate Email Marketing Pro!
