There Are 6 Ways To Get Paid With Our compensation Plan!!

Now let us Talk About The Compensation Plan.
You earn from 4 matrices at the same time. Your membership fee places you
in a 3×3 monthly,3×3 daily, 5×3 daily and a 10×3 daily at the same time.

The membership fee is $59 + $3 Admin Fee per month, and it will be taken out of your earnings.
The System Will Hold Your Monthly $59 + $3 Admin Fee For The Next Month Automatically.
All Earnings You Can Withdraw But The $59 + $3 Admin Fee.

The matrices are Forced Filled.

3×3 Monthly Matrix – You earn between $4 to $5 for each position that is filled in your 3×3 Matrix.
There are only 39 positions to fill in this matrix, and a complete matrix earns $159 per month.

We want everyone to bring at least 3 people into this AWESOME Opportunity! Remember we
are working as one big team for one common purpose!! That is everyone to become successful!!

There Are 3 Daily Matrices, and you can earn from them at the same time!

3×3 Daily Revenue Matrix – Each position filled in the 3×3 Monthly earns revenue share
in the 3×3 Daily. You earn $0.16 per day, per position X 30 Days for a total of $195 per month
for each person that have members on their first level.

5×3 Daily Revenue Matrix – There are only 155 positions to fill in this matrix.
You earn $0.50 per day, per position X 30 Days for a total of $2325 per month for
each person that have members on their second level.

10×3 Daily Revenue Matrix – There are 1110 positions to fill in this matrix.
You earn $1 per day, per position X 30 Days for a total of $33,300 per month
for each person that have members on their third level.

You earn with the Daily Matrices through the Power Of Leverage!! Meaning as your 3 gets downline members under them, and these matrices start earning daily commissions. So the deeper you build your team, the more money you will open up in these matrices! You want to build deep and wide!!

No done yet!! Lets talk about the Coded Bonus

Coded Bonuses Are the Fastest and most lucrative ways to earn Unlimited Residual Income.
You earn $5 per month for the first two of everyone first two in your downline leg.
Meaning your Sponsor will earn a $5 Coded Bonus for your first two people in your 1st level.
This will continues to Infinity, but you still earn a $5 commission.

That’s not all!! On top of that you earn 100% Matching Coded Bonuses

Every single Person that you Personally sponsor starting with your first person you will
override 100% Matching coded bonus. Everytime they make a Coded Bonus you make
100% Matching Coded bonus to Infinity With them.

So What Are You Waiting For? Your No Limit Lifestyle Awaits!!