Find the path to a calm, balanced life

Hey ,

Are you tired of feeling lost in the labyrinth of stress? It’s time to find the way out!

A few Octobers ago, two friends and I got lost in a corn maze. It was a cool, overcast day and we thought it would be a fun activity. Several hours later, we’d been rained on, were lost and frustrated, and were more than ready to have a guide lead us out.

You may be feeling similarly soaked, confused, and discouraged when it comes to finding peace of mind in your daily life. Every day chaos piles on top of stress and there’s no clear path out. Everyone around you is wandering around in the same anxious state. So maybe this is just how life is?

Or maybe you simply need the right guide to lead you from crazy town to calm country. Fortunately, my friend Lori Saitz has a flashlight, a map, and knows all the secret passageways and shortcuts!

It’s an audio program called Staying Calm in Chaos. Designed to help you reduce – and even eliminate – stress and replace it with a sense of calm, no matter what craziness is swirling around in your world.

Backed by science and research, the techniques in this program can change the way you see the world and operate in it.

I strongly recommend you act on this because it’s a clear path out of the stress maze.


Here’s to celebrating your life without overwhelm!

Yours in calmness,
Bridget Malone