Author Archives: wendy22156


Good day, Fellow Marketers,

A few years back, I finally found a program where I was able to make real money. It was so good that I got my family members involved in it, as well.

Then, as biz opps often do, it just faded away, for a rest, as it seemed that all who would join, had done so. I was heartbroken that it seemed to be gone forever.

This morning I received an email from this program, which has been revived, where I was able to log in, using the same email address that I had signed up with, and I was amazed to see that I was still activated at all my previous levels. This means I can start where I left off, in both marketing and earning an income.

For those of you who were members of Lets Multiply, I encourage you to sign back in, using your initial email, and review your account. Jump in, and continue what you began so long ago.

For those of you who never joined Lets Multiply, I highly suggest that you do so today. This is the only program that showed me actual gain.

Ride The WAVES Again!

Wendy Blessing

Think You’ve Seen It All About Weight Loss?

Well, check this out!

Look carefully at the pictures on this page!

The first pic is me, before I lost the weight,
in 2010, at age 54,
actual weight unknown.

The second pic is after I lost the weight,
in 2021, at age 65,
weight 128.

Between these two pics, I lost some, gained more,
soaring as high as 260, and became diabetic, disabled,
in constant pain, using a walker chair to get around.

Once I figured out how to do it, I lost the last 90
in less than a year!

I am now 67, and have kept it off,
while thoroughly enjoying the complete
transformation, no diabetes or pain,
and healthier thyroid.

I have made losing weight easy and convenient!

You may trust people who configure diets in a lab,
if you like, or you can take the word of a gal who has
been where you are, and gone through what you have.

Or you can remain the way you are.

It has been said that the definition of “insanity”
is doing the same thing, and expecting a different outcome.

For me, after trying most of the marketed options,
and either failing to lose the weight, or most importantly,
keeping it off, I had to come up with a new way to do it.

Writing this tell-all book about how you can really
lose the weight and keep it off, was quite cathartic.

It really happened for me, and really works,
so if you need to shed a little or a lot of fat,
I suggest that you read this uplifting little book and just try it!

Prayers for your renewed health and well-being,

With empathy and love,
Wendy Blessing

What’s New at Homestyle Blessings?

Here at Homestyle Blessings, we have a completely new focus!

We have one vision, and that is to provide all things necessary for creating delicious foods in your kitchen, be it home or commercial, indoor or outdoor!

Our products include cookware, utensils, countertop appliances, and replacement parts!

Come in and see our new offerings today!

Use the code Homestyle15 for 15% off your order!

See you there!
Homestyle Blessings