Author Archives: Tellymark

[FIRST_NAME] Become a Coach with Ho’oponopono – Official Certification 95%off

[FIRST_NAME] Here you have The Most In-Depth, Complete, And Definitive Online Training Ever Created On Ho’oponopono, Including Material Never Released Until Now with Dr Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len. At a substancial discount for you! 95%off, only available here:
And Advanced Certification Program:

Help Others with Ho’oponopono – 90% off – Official Certification

This Program allow us to Become Ho’oponopono Coaches for ourselves and for others. The trainning answers all the questions that might arise about the practice and especially those about helping others.

Includes the first tapes that was made with Dr Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len present, that were not released… until now.

An the best of all: A Certified Ho’oponopono Practitioner qualified by Dr Joe Vitale and Global Fundation meets the standards to teach and practice Ho’oponopono.
Get Certified (90% off) HERE:

Become a Ho’oponopono Coach without spending thousands of dollars

Hello firstname
Did you know that Dr Joe Vitale has created an Official Ho’oponopono Certification Program?
This Program allow us to Become Ho’oponopono Coaches for ourselves and for others.
Originally this Program was created because many people wanted a profound training in Ho’oponopono that answers all the questions that might arise about the practice and especially those about helping others.
Also, as you may know, Dr Hew Len now is retired. He decided to dedicate his life to cleaning, for him, for all planet and all galaxy (those are his words).
So, the first tapes that was made with Dr Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len present, were not released… until now.
Originally this Certification Program was gonna be on $397 usd, but Dr Joe saw so much people interested and with truly need of this formation that decided to give us the opportunity to have it at 10% of its cots! (90% discount)
Also I love this Bonuses that surprise you when you receive all the program:
Tapes of the Entire Live Seminar Recording of Zero Limits 2, also with the presence of Dr Hew Len.
A special session of questions and answers about Ho’opopono Practice and Study Cases.
More than 20 hypnosis tracks called “Full Immersion Mental Wealth Hack” to help you with Abundance Activation in your life.
An the best of all: A Certified Ho’oponopono Practitioner qualified by Dr Joe Vitale and Global Fundation standards to teach and practice Ho’oponopono.
So, what are you waiting for? Go for it!

Can I give you a Free Course with Dr Joe Vitale?

[FIRST_NAME] Can I give you this FREE Ho’oponopono Beginners Course?, With Dr Joe Vitale In 7 Days You will learn the secrets and methods that lead you to a true spiritual awakening.

Subscribe FREE here:

“Ho’oponopono is my go-to clearing technique!” – Dr. Joe
Eliminate the unconscious barriers standing between you and your desires with four simple, easy to remember, easy to use phrases.

Learn how to clear your counter-intentions in the most efficient way Dr Vitale have ever taught so you can get where you want to be…faster.

As you read this right now, you are directly connected to the Divine! Awaken to the co-creative power that is you right now.

​Learn how to use this in-born power to create a happier, more satisfied you.
​​Based on the two best-selling books on Ho’oponopono… ZERO LIMITS AND AT ZERO.

You are AMAZING! You Deserve the Best Life You Can Create!
Stela Ahau
From ZeroPointAwakening

AWAKENED MILLIONAIRE ACADEMY – Fusion Your Money and Soulful Purpouse

My Name Is Dr. Joe Vitale And My Promise To You Is Simple:
Bring me your passion and conviction, and I’ll transform you into the Awakened Millionaire with the elevated mindset that will let you make more money than you ever have… driven by your passion and spiritual awakening

Wake up with the incredible Awakened Millionaire Mindset each day that fills you with joy, enthusiasm, and serenity… and each day will be a new journey of transformation…

Immediately experience the fusion of your money and your soulful purpose… and make MORE MONEY and experience MORE SPIRITUAL AWAKENING… at the same time
Start effortlessly attracting more meaningful money that gives your life significance month after month after month…

Unlock new aspects of your spiritual power you were never able to see until now…
Find infinite ways to expand your influence and make your impact in the world… so you can serve others well and live a legend that fills you with joy…

Surround yourself with an intimate community of like-minded individuals who are on this same path of uniting money and soul…
that you are able to make a profound difference in other people’s lives… instead of just stockpiling your riches and living like a hermit…

Wake up excited each day to serve others and do something you are truly passionate about… while simultaneously getting excited about the new money coming in through your passion…
Enjoy the camaraderie of a courageous, convicted group of people walking with you side by side through this Awakened Millionaire lifestyle and movement…

Live the ultimate lifestyle where you can experience true financial freedom in combination with deep, soul satisfaction… because of the fulfillment spiritualized money will give you at last…

Walk with a radiant glow that beams out from inside of you and is obvious to all those you meet… instead of constantly feeling guilty and unsure of your purpose or place in life…
And that’s just the beginning…

Law of Attraction and Hooponopono Certification – Joe Vitale’s

Have you ever heard of the law of attraction? It’s a powerful way of attracting what you want into your life. Learn this and more when you discover our Ho’oponopono methods. You may be asking what is Hooponopono? And how does it transform lives? Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len and discover how to clear negativity, activate your dream potential, and bring you to the state of Zero Limits. Used correctly, Hooponopono removes the blocks that have existed in lives, awakening those to a clean slate to paint their futures as they desire. The result is Eternal Happiness this ancient tradition gifts us with. Made famous by the legendary Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale, through their best-selling book Zero Limits, Hooponopono allows you to accomplish what some call impossible: peace, joy, and harmony with every breath. And while other programs teach this technique, nothing can compare to the rare certification sessions from Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale. Let peace shine through any darkness within. The path will lead to the ultimate love and gratitude radiating from our most enlightened humanity. In addition, when certified, not only will a transformation occur, but also the ability to help others with the technique, personally certified by Dr. Joe Vitale, allowing to improve any coaching or healing practice or the opportunity to create a new stream of enlightened, heart-centered business. Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len in this best-selling Hoâoponopono Certification at a substantial discount only available here:

Help Others with Ho’oponopono – Official Certification

[FIRST_NAME] Over 500,000+ people have purchased and referred their friends. If our certification wasn’t a 5 star experience, we wouldn’t have so many happy customers. We want to continue helping more who could benefit from what we offer.

Okay, so what is Hooponopono? And how does it transform lives? Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len and discover how to clear negativity, activate your dream potential, and bring you to the state of Zero Limits. Used correctly, Hooponopono removes the blocks that have existed in live awakening those to a clean state to paint their futures as they desire. The result is Eternal Happiness this ancient tradition gifts us with, Made famous by the legendary Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale, through their best-selling book Zero Limits, Hooponopono allows you to accomplish what some call impossible: peace, joy, and harmony with every breath.

And while other programs teach this technique, nothing can compare to the rare certification sessions from Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale. Let peace shine through any darkness within. The path will lead to the ultimate love and gratitude radiating from our most enlightened humanity. In addition, when certified, not only will a transformation occur, but also the ability to help others with the technique, personally certified by Dr. Joe Vitale, allowing to improve any coaching or healing practice… or the opportunity to create a new stream of enlightened, heart-centered business. Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len in this best-selling Hooponopono Certification at a substantial discount only available here:

Help Others with Ho’oponopono – Official Certification

[FIRST_NAME] Over 500,000+ people have purchased and referred their friends. If our certification wasn’t a 5 star experience, we wouldn’t have so many happy customers. We want to continue helping more who could benefit from what we offer.

Okay, so what is Hooponopono? And how does it transform lives? Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len and discover how to clear negativity, activate your dream potential, and bring you to the state of Zero Limits. Used correctly, Hooponopono removes the blocks that have existed in live awakening those to a clean state to paint their futures as they desire. The result is Eternal Happiness this ancient tradition gifts us with, Made famous by the legendary Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale, through their best-selling book Zero Limits, Hooponopono allows you to accomplish what some call impossible: peace, joy, and harmony with every breath.

And while other programs teach this technique, nothing can compare to the rare certification sessions from Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale. Let peace shine through any darkness within. The path will lead to the ultimate love and gratitude radiating from our most enlightened humanity. In addition, when certified, not only will a transformation occur, but also the ability to help others with the technique, personally certified by Dr. Joe Vitale, allowing to improve any coaching or healing practice… or the opportunity to create a new stream of enlightened, heart-centered business. Join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len in this best-selling Hooponopono Certification at a substantial discount only available here: