Author Archives: RushMan

My SafeList Builder

Build Safelist Downlines on Autopilot!

My Safelist Builder is a downline builder for

safelists. Promote one link and get signups in

multiple safelists…

What’s really cool is you get a public page to

promote which shows banners and signup buttons for

the safelists you have entered your referral ids

for. So even if a person does not join our site

you can still get signups from this public page.

You can also promote 3 of your favorite programs

to your referrals who will see them in our members

area. And these same 3 programs are also displayed

on your public safelists page for added

visibility. We also rotate one of these programs

on your main referral id.

All members earn 50% commissions if their

referrals purchase advertising from our members


P.S. It’s 100% free to join so signup today!

Just Click That CREDIT Link!!