Author Archives: PaulsPages

Selling Irish Mud to America

Hi again, ,
Everyone wants to come up with “the big idea”
You know, the one idea nobody else has thought of. The one idea that’s from the “left field”. The one idea that’s so different it may just be the one that works…
While most of us will never come up with the elusive “big one”, there are many people out there earning money in the oddest ways you can imagine…
Here’s just a couple of real-life examples.
Selling soil for profit.
Pat Burke from Tipperary in Ireland came up with this one. He was a regular traveller from Ireland to the USA. His state-side relatives often asked him to bring back a “little piece of Irish home soil” they could use to throw onto the casket lids of their dearly departed family members to remind them of home on their journey to the afterlife.

This prompted Pat to start a business selling soil from Ireland to Irish-Americans. Luckily for him, believe it or not, there was a never-ending stream of Irish people living in America who were more than happy to spend their money for… well… nothing more than MUD!
His scheme turned into a real humdinger when, in 2006, he sold more than 500,000 pounds of Irish dirt, making him a cool $1 Million!
Selling hair.
Your hairdresser may be profiting from your hair more than you think…

Human hair sells for large amounts of money if it’s in good condition and meets the required standard. If it’s never been dyed or treated with any sort of chemical, like peroxide for instance, and is at least 10 inches long you could sell it for around $250!
Better in your pocket than your hair stylist’s, don’t you agree?

There are many other examples of odd money-making ideas which work for the individuals who thought of them, but there’s also no shortage of “make money in five minutes by pushing this button” type offers on the web too.
As many have found out to their cost, unless you really do come up with that one big idea yourself, most of these push-button offers simply don’t work.
Otherwise, there would be a lot of people pushing a lot of buttons and laughing all the way to the bank as a result!
Even if you are lucky enough for your brain to throw you up a gem of an idea, there will still be work required to bring it to fruition.
The fact is, you rarely make a success of anything that’s going to return a profit without putting in the effort.
Let’s look at another example.
Social Profit Trinity
David Fearon is a young English man who sold everything, packed a backpack and moved to Australia. He has worked tirelessly since then to build his new life in the country he chose to escape to and avoid the cold British winters.
He’s been very successful in making his living over the last few years using Social Media to sell various products and services.
He’s done VERY well at it too.
Yes, I did say he’s making a living using social media, but what I meant was, this is his daily “job”. He works on social media each day and earns an above-average income as a result. He’s actually making that elusive, sustainable online income many are searching for…(probably you too as you’re reading this)
Over the last few months, David has been recording videos teaching the various methods he uses to earn his living from internet marketing via social media.

So, think about this for a moment, the very place online you spend a lot of time each day watching videos and chatting with friends etc. is exactly the same place he is spending his days earning his living… without having to leave his home and working the hours he chooses.
Not push button riches, but a viable way to earn a very good living working for himself.
Guess what… YOU can do it too… You really can…
David has put all the video training he’s recorded, which includes ALL his knowledge about social media marketing, into three different training courses which he’s bundled together as “Social Profit Trinity”

There’s no fluff or nonsense in these videos, just step by step training showing you EXACTLY what to to to replicate his success and use Social Media to make a job replacing income.
The three training courses included inside “Social Profit Trinity” are:
“Social Profits 2.0”
“Marketplace Mastery”
“Local Buy Sell Profits”
There are over 100 videos of in-depth training between the three courses.
And… I believe David has lost his mind… because when he releases Social Profit Trinity tomorrow the price is going to be less than $15.
Just think about that… $5 per course to learn exactly how to replicate David’s success by following his training step by step and reproducing it yourself.

Remember that “one big idea” we were talking about at the start of this article and the strange ways people are earning money?
Well, wouldn’t it be strange if you had your “one big idea” to buy David’s Social Profit Trinity course today, then used it together with Social Media to replicate his business model, and it was successful for you too?…
Check out Social Profit Trinity.
Here’s to your success,

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