Author Archives: olavlynch

one day, this WILL be required of you…

f you’re an entrepreneur or Network
Marketer; there is ONE SKILL every
top earner has in common.

Click below to Gain Access

Just look at the most & least successful
corporations, individuals and teams in
the world.

There is a single factor that separates
them apart.

Without this factor… you can find
yourself with a broken business, a
weak team, and nobody listening to
what you have to say.

It’s a must.. It will take you
where you want to go.

But ignore it… and you will find
yourself struggling.

Click Here To Learn What You Might Be Missing:

That’s not hype, that’s the truth.

Whether your goal is to change the
world or influence people to join your
business, this is one of, if not the most
important skills you can master.

Don’t miss this episode.

– Miguel Lynch

P.S. Did you know we run a DAILY
contest for The Daily Shortcut? Just
leave a thoughtful, detailed comment on
today’s episode, and you’re entered for
a chance to win a FREE copy of
How to Win Friends & Influence People
by Dale Carnegie!

who would you call if you needed help?

I just read this story from my friend Dave about what TRUE friendship looks like and wanted to share it with you:
“The Art & Science of Friendship”
I’ve asked myself this question many times over the years — mostly in times when I see someone struggling in their life.
The question?
“Who would you call if you needed help”
It’s 2016 and it’s tough to make REAL and lasting connections with people mostly due to the tendency to hide behind a smart phone…
… preoccupied with getting more likes on Instagram than actually being connected with REAL people.
One of my biggest goals this year is to forge deeper connections and sometimes I wonder if it’s already too late to get started…
Here’s how I know it’s never too late:
See you inside,