Author Archives: mikehaddan99

Holiday Cash With the Loan Guru

Check out the Loan Guru’s Top 5 Lenders

There’s no shopping like shopping during the holiday season, but funds can sometimes run low while there are still plenty of items on your shopping list. A holiday loan can help bridge the gap between your gift list and your bank balance. Holiday financing can help to pay for holiday travel, gifts, or even a party for family and friends.
While the holidays are a joyous time of year, they also can cause a great deal of financial strain, especially on those that are not prepared. From special meals to gifts for family and friends, there are always additional expenses around the holidays that can wreak havoc on even the best budgets. In a 2015 survey, LendingTree found that over 20% of people felt that their bank accounts were at least a little bit tight around the holidays or that they had to dig themselves out of a hole once the holiday season had passed. While it is always best to save money for this time of the year and to avoid over-spending, many may find it impossible to fully enjoy the holidays without an additional source of money.

A holiday loan can help you enjoy the festivities that come along with this time of year. Whether it is for traveling to see family that is sorely missed or your little ones’ presents, a holiday loan can bring you joy and relieve financial stress. While it is always best to save for this time of year, a holiday loan can give you an influx of cash that you can then repay over the coming months when your expenses have gone down and your budget returns to normal. It is also a much better option than using credit cards that you don’t plan to pay off immediately since these will often carry high interest rates that will make your debt harder to handle.

The Loan Guru

Business in a box :)

Real Quick:
A new push-button system has just launched called…
‘Lead Lightning’
…and I wanted to share it with you first.
Use it to create a frenzy of buyers, build
your list, create sales and exposure to
your primary business… and so much more!
Your lead problem is about to vanish!
If you “really” want more leads for your business and I mean REALLY,
then you owe it to yourself to check this system out.
I would stop reading and go here…
Many are predicting this to be the #1 ‘Money Grabbing’ system for 2017!
And it’s perfect for any level… beginner or pro.
You’re one of the very first to see this…

Talk soon,

Michael Haddan

1 Time $7 investment makes you $6 commission for life

I joined this program over a month ago and have been generating leads by the hundreds, And the best part is I get paid $6 commissions all the time. The leads are mine and I can use them to promote anything I want to sell.
You need this lead generation gold mine!!!
Take a look and see for yourself. Weekly training, done for you funnels and lead capture pages. Just copy and paste and you can get leads and make money.

Get LEads for your Company and Get Paid for those LEads

I have to say I am 💥blown away by what is happening with our marketing team and my business.
This morning I had a 💰couple sales come in not from me but from my team.
I had just completed shooting a video and I had another 💵 sale come in and that was from you guessed it my team.
All I can say is what we’re doing works and if you want to 🚀GET RESULTS we know how to do it.
What is pretty crazy to think about though is we have really only been doing this about a month and already brand new people, people who have struggled to make anything online are getting results.
That is why I know without a shadow of a doubt what our marketing team teaches can help you too.
In fact we even do LIVE training and have a Q&A training going on today where you can get all your questions answered live so it doesn’t have to be a guessing game anymore when it comes to earning online because we show you EXACTLY what works.
We don’t just say it though…
We do it and we show you proof.
If you would like to attend an upcoming training MESSAGE ME!. at