Author Archives: Fearless1

How Much Does A McDonald’s Franchise Cost?

Answer: It’s a minimum of $250,000 to get started.
And then lots of additional fees and overhead on top of that…
They setup these stores the same way over and over again because it is a *proven* system that works, and all of these franchises make A LOT more money than small “Mom and Pop” shops!
You will get the exact same SYSTEM that is currently working extremely well for myself and others right now.
But as far as making money goes, it’s worth it.
If you owned a McDonald’s, you’d be sitting pretty financially.
Well, truth is, you’ve got the next best thing.
You’ve got the profit potential of some of the world’s most
successful franchise systems, for a tiny fraction of the cost…
All you have to do to put it to work is give away free websites!
Best Wishes for Your Marketing Success, Lisa
PS~ This is a proven, turn-key system to develop unlimited online income.