Author Archives: ddw2017

Are living Paycheck to Paycheck?

Are you living paycheck to paycheck?
Would you spend $25 if it meant….
1) You would NEVER have to struggle financially again?
2) If you could earn unlimited INSTANT 100% commission?
Discover how you can make a full-time income from the comfort of your home……AND never worry about money again!!
Check it out now!
Thank you for your time. ,
Sharon Stites
Dolphin Marketing Solutions

Work form home on your time!

Think about all the excuses you EVER had for not making serious money online…
No website… No time… No money… No product..
Now, THROW them all out the window! There is no longer an excuse not to be making money online – starting NOW.
This system enables you to earn $25 for every email you process. You’ll get paid instant commissions deposited directly into your PayPal account…
Get the details here:
Much Success,
Sharon Stites

Shop and get Paid

Ever wondered what toxins are in your cleaning products you use everyday? If you knew you could switch stores and get better products that have NO toxins in them, would you do it?
If you answered YES, then you are in the right place. I have partnered with a 30+ year company that can offer that for you. This company knows what they are doing in helping your health, your children’s health and your fur babies health along with helping the environment. There are some scary things going on out there about kids eating pods. With these products, you do not have to worry about that, because they are so safe, they do not require a safety cap. That’s right, these are very safe products, and what is more important than keeping your family safe?

This company not only gives you the products you need for everyday use but other products as well and if you are looking to make some money too, it is totally within your reach. The option is yours, want to just be a customer, done! Want to make money, done! Reach out to me to learn more about what this company’s products can do and/or if you are looking to earn extra income and FREE products. This is NOT a get rich quick opportunity, this is a long term opportunity to bring in extra income that could potentially be your next stay at home job. You will NOT find this opportunity on my website. You must contact me direct, to learn more and get started.

This is why I am doing this. I am a customer and in business to generate an extra income. You see I am a 55 year old woman and along with my husband, we are getting our finances in order before we retire. We were looking for a stay at home job that we could do in our retirement years to bring in more money than what our 401ks and Social Security would be bringing us. You see we do not want to have to rely on these incomes so that is why we partnered with this company. The products they have, we use everyday. No more high yearly memberships, no more buying in built, I mean seriously it’s only the two of us, we don’t need bulk items. Order online, shipped to the house. The money that we save buying online in this store can now go towards the trips we want to take when we retire. They also offer cash back when you shop any of the 650 stores they have listed. That will come in handy when we get ready to book our trips. Take a trip get cash back, sounds like a plan to me. Need clothes, shop one of their stores listed, order online and get cash back.

They have a lot to offer that your local stores do not. Don’t forget, contact me directly, This is NOT on my website and I would hate to see anyone miss out on this opportunity to save money and/or make money! The choice is yours.

Have a great day, and I look forward to chatting with you and getting you started today!
Sharon Stites
Dolphin Digital Wave
“Ride the wave to get the tools you need to succeed”

Invitation Only

I have to ask you a question? How much do you pay for your memberships at your retail stores like Costco, Sams Club etc? $50 -$100? I know I paid $50 to Bj’s last year. Didn’t renew this year, because I found something better. Better products! You do not have to buy in bulk, you spend less money and products are delivered right to your door. This company is paying me to tell others about them. Just by doing that, they are giving away a $500 blender, a fit bit, and about $300 worth of products this month. Plus the other bonuses and incentives that go with it. This is insane, I know, and they have been doing this for 30+ years.

-the products are concentrated, not in bulk and uses less plastics
-everything is safer, cleaner and greener and helps the environment
-you get loyalty rewards for staying with them
-oh and here is another incentive….you get cashback from about 650 major retailers that you may already shop with!

I am not going to have you click on a link to get there. All you need to do is email me ( that you are interested and we can get started. This is by invitation only. You will not find this on my website, you must email me if you want in. Just want to be a customer, that’s great, want to make some money too, that’s great. I can get you started. I do not sell products, all I do is open accounts, it is so simple and I made $100 just from what they told me to do and the potential to make even more is there, it is up to you how much you want to make. These are products we need in our day to day life so why not buy from them and get paid too! Get the products you need, make some money and get FREE items too! You are really going to love this company!

So whose ready to shop, earn money or both???
Have a great day, and talk with you soon.
Hurry before these specials are gone!

Black Friday Special

Goooood Morning [FIRST_NAME],
Today is Black Friday, and while everyone is out shopping for those deals, why not shop for something for yourself!
You are a very special person and deserve the best. That is why I am sending this email to you so you can start your journey to some amazing opportunities. I will be happy to send you income proofs of what this business can do for you. This is an amazing opportunity that many people have already tapped into and many more are doing it right now. Seize your opportunity today, the first step is a great offer. The next step will change your life. Take that step to your financial freedom!
Let me know if you want to see the income proofs. Leave me your email and let’s get started on your journey.
All the Best,

Discover His Secret using these 6 Steps

Hi [first_name],
I am so glad that you have taken the time to read my email. I know there are so many of these “you can make money here” emails out there, but this one is legit. I am a 55 year old woman who has been looking for a home business opportunity not only to get up and running before I retire but to retire earlier than planned. This proven system that this young ex-marine has put together to help others grow their business is amazing and I am so glad I found it. Through these trainings, I have already put together two websites and will be working on another one soon. I cannot believe how simple it is, and the coaching team is great. I even got to meet them recently at an event they had, including Michael himself, the marine who made all this possible. He took the time to talk with me and asked me what I wanted. That impressed me, that he took the time, to spend time with me. I met so many wonderful people and I am now part of a group of people across the globe just bouncing ideas off of each other everyday to boost our businesses even more. It is really a great family atmosphere.
Wow, I really just did a lot of rambling, sorry but that is how excited I get each day I take one step closer to my dreams and this system is helping me do just that.
I hope you take the opportunity to get involved with not only a proven system that really works but a great bunch of people living their dreams because of this system.
Would you like to come grow with me? Then let’s go have some fun. I can’t wait to meet you and help you get started.
Best Wishes,

Copy the pro and you are on your way.

I have spent a long time trying to find the right home business and now I finally did it.
It was refreshing to find a system that not only works, but the people behind it that are there to help you through each step. I wasn’t sure about it either, but once I got into it and I attended one of their events, it showed me that these people actually do exist and I even got to meet and talk with the CEO/Founder. That to me meant he cares about the people he is helping to build their dreams of having their own business.
Best advise I can give to you, is “go for it”. Proven systems do not come along like this, and when they do, like this one, don’t delay, you will be glad you didn’t.
Best regards,

Discover His Secret using these 6 Steps

Hi [first_name],

Are you living paycheck to paycheck wondering where you are going to get money for your children’s milk to have cereal like Pablo did?

If so then you have landed in the right place.

You want to make money online, but you are not sure which system will work for you.

Some systems have way too much technical jargon, HTML, CSS, FTP, PHP and a dozen other things you have to have to know in order to get online and making you money… right?

Or, do you FINALLY feel like you’ve got things figured out, and as you are about to move forward on your dreams…and boom you get ANOTHER email… from ANOTHER guru… telling you about the NEW shiny object of the day… And your plans… that you felt SO confident about just minutes earlier… fall to the ground as you reluctantly turn your back on your “plan” and start moving towards the next new thing…

If that sounds like you… then don’t worry. I can help.

Get full details here:

Finally!Just before I sat down to write this today…

Hi [first_name],
As a guy who has been around for over 60 years, I have seen or heard of all sorts of business opportunities. The “opportunity” usually meant very little if any income from a bunch of hard work. Let me tell you, this is the real deal!
Not too long ago, I did not know the difference between a “Click Per View” and an “affiliate”. Stone and the Plug-In Profit Site gave me something I had searched for years to find: a viable and potentially incredibly profitable home based business. I’m loving it, and am totally committed to building a profitable and fun business.
Just before I sat down to write this today, my email box notified me saying: “You just earned: $”. I won’t divulge the amount let’s just say: it made me smile, and more is on the way! Thanks Stone from the bottom of my heart.
Learn more at:

Just before I sat down to write this today, my email box notified me saying: “You just earned: $”

Finally! No experience needed to profit online…


Let me ask you a question…
Are you trying to start an online business…?
If so, let me know if this sounds like you:
You want to make money online, but you keep getting caught up in all of the technical stuff that goes along with starting an online business…
HTML, CSS, FTP, PHP and a dozen other things you have to have to know to get a website online and making you money… right?
Or, do you FINALLY feel like you’ve got things figured out, and as you are about to move forward on your dreams…
You get ANOTHER email… from ANOTHER guru… telling you about the NEW shiny object of the day…
And your plans… that you felt SO confident about just minutes earlier… fall to the ground as you reluctantly turn your back on your “plan” and start moving towards the next new thing…
If that sounds like you… then don’t worry. I can help.
Get full details here: