Author Archives: apventures

Lessons from [FIRST_NAME]’s bathtub (NO pics!)

Once upon a time, there was a really smart guy with a weird name.
His name was Archimedes.
You might not have heard of him.
But you’ve probably heard the word “Eureka!”
He was in the bathtub one day, figured out a solution to a tough problem and shouted:
Well, here’s something else about Archimedes you might not have known.
He once said, “If you give me a long enough pole and a place to stand….I can move the world.”
What was he talking about?
A powerful concept.
“Leverage” is a way of multiplying your own efforts so you get more done without working any harder.
Ready for the best part?
It works with muney and business, too.
As you’ve probably discovered…
It’s hard work building a business.
Or at least it used to be…
But the future of creating a business on the internet will most definitely be “done-for-you” systems.
Businesses in a box.
You just plug yourself in.
Copy and paste a couple things here.
Click and drag a couple things there.
And let the system do the rest of the work.
Can you imagine how much easier that would be compared to all the other things you’ve been trying to get off the ground?
Well… the good news is…
I have tested most of these systems out.
And put them all of best ones currently available in a (frequently updated) place for you to find them.
And when you do…
That will be your “Eureka” moment!
Claim your own done-for-you business in a box by clicking the link below.
You’ll be so excited once you discover how much time you’re going to save with this.

All the best,