Nugen is Automatic INCOME Machine


We Are NuGen Community

A merchant friendly Cryptocurrency Coin that DOUBLES every 3-Month?

Never depend on a single income, earn spendable cash with NuGen. Share your referral link and earn even more.

Open Your Account HERE :

Two ways to make money with NuGen
Pays 0.035% Interest Compounded Daily on Personal Deposits and Earn 0.10% NCG Coin on every referral.

1.NUGEN Staking Contract
$50 Minimum
$1,100 Maximum

2. NUGEN Matrix
Our Matrices are an exciting way for NuGen Members to grow their nest egg of coins.
Minimum $43.75
Maximum $700

NuGen Earning Potential

ShopFreeMart is the parent company of NuGen.
Udaya Datta
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