Easy Way To Build Your Email List

“Discover The PROVEN Secrets of Using Powerful
Storytelling In Your Emails To Create Loyal Readers,
Amazing Open Rates…And EXPLOSIVE Profits!”
You’ll Be Shocked At How a Little Bit of Storytelling Can Skyrocket Your
Are you tired of NOT making any money with your email list?
Are you sick of low squeeze page sign-ups?
Do most of your emails remain unopened?
Would you like to get more clicks on your email links?
Have you tried to fix your list’s performance problems but nothing seems to work?
If you answered YES to any of the above, you need to discover the power of EFFECTIVE
STORYTELLING to turbocharge your list marketing results.
You might be asking: Storytelling? What do stories have to do with making money online? The short answer: EVERYTHING.
Human beings make sense of the world through stories. Every message that tries to CONVINCE them of anything must fit with the existing personal narrative they use to make sense of the world.
If your squeeze pages are not getting enough subscribers, your updates aren’t being opened enough, or your email links aren’t getting enough clicks, it is because
LACK OF ENGAGEMENT KILLS your list marketing campaign! You have to engage your prospects and list members or you WILL NOT MAKE ANY MONEY ONLINE.
The most effective way to engage your prospects or existing list members is to TELL STORIES.
Stories help you achieve your marketing objectives by:
– Building trust to overcome normal objections to your value propositions:
It is impossible to sell ANYTHING online, without the TRUST of your prospects. If your prospects don’t trust your message, they will easily make objections to whatever it is you are selling.
Stories help you build TRUST for your marketing messages by using emotional cues to get past their logical defences and speak directly to their psychological and emotional needs.
Stories get to the core of how your audience members like
to see themselves.
– Pushing your audience’s HOT EMOTIONAL BUTTONS so they are driven to action: Effective
stories give your prospects a sense of EMOTIONAL URGENCY.
They feel they have to TAKE ACTION NOW or they might LOSE OUT.
– Appealing to your audience’s HOPES AND DREAMS: Great sales stories hook into your
audience’s cherished hopes and aspirations. By buying your product or service, they feel they are
getting one step closer to fulfilling these dreams.
– Convincing your prospects to become EMOTIONALLY INVESTED in your offering: Effective
stories get your prospects emotionally worked up. They feel listened to. They feel appreciated.
They feel valued. In fact, great stories can get your prospects so emotionally wound up that they feel they have a direct stake in the success of your message.
Don’t be surprised when they start sharing your advertising message with their friends and family.
The more they share on social networks online as well as on the phone or email, the more they feel ‘validated.’ Powerful emotion-driven stories turn your listeners into potential promoters.
The best part of all this is that your audience members promote your brand without asking for anything in return.
You don’t have to pay one red cent for them to spread the word far and wide about your brand.
Profit from my years of insight and experience turning raw emotion and audience insight into story-driven commercial messaging that can take your business’ success to the next level.
This book will teach you the following:
– Build a more responsive mailing list starting with your squeeze page
– Get more list members to open your emails
– Get people excited enough to click your emails’ links
– Use stories to build your list members’ trust in your advertised product or service
List Building with Stories walks you through the COMPLETE process of using STORYTELLING ELEMENTS and STRATEGIES from designing your squeeze page, building effective landing pages, writing effective email body text, and using case studies to build trust.
Get Your Free Copy Now!
