Passively Earn from your Phone

Are you using apps on your cell phones?

Wouldn’t you like to get paid for using them?

Companies are tracking your activity 24/7/365
YOUR consumer data is being sold EVERY single day. and you are NOT earning a penny from it.

Simple fact: These companies need YOUR buying habits, or their businesses do NOT survive.
THIS app changes all of that…

Pays YOU for YOUR data!
Collects your data ANONYMOUSLY
Collects NO personal information
Uses passive location signals
Creates an algorithm just for you — kind of phone, what carrier, smaller batter or larger battery, how many events can they collect, are you on cellular or WIFI or plugged in, etc. etc.
AND, you can turn it on or off!!

Prelaunch Ends in a few Days!
Click the link and Watch the Short Video!

Isn’t it time to get paid for your Data!

Talk Soon…
Steve Perkins
