Treat Your Trees & Plants To A Brew !

A Potent 100% Organic Microbe Rich Plant Food !

Treat Your Trees And Other Plants To A Microbe Brew !

Processed from a high quality worm casting the potency and quality of this plant food will be *evident in your plant’s growth and health.

No need to worry about hurting your plants with this plant food folks! Use as much as you would like to see if you can grow a larger plant and fruit.

Available in several user friendly forms go to for more details and to purchase this limited supply plant food.

Also be sure to visit the freedownload area and opportunity avenue while you are there = buckoo free clipart, graphics & other downloads & buckoo affiliate sites and sales.

* Due to the nature of plant care and the many variables involved there are no guarantees implied as to the actual evidence of growth and health that a plant may display.

A review dated 05/31/17 following a transaction adjustment: Hello.thank you very much it was not neccisary.ive seen my last purchase work like crazy on my tomato is well worth the asking price.i look forward to many more purchases in the have a great product….thanks again

Thank you.