The Lottolistus!

The Lottolistus!
Create your lottery pool universe
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Play in the largest lottery in the world.
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Pay and your play is on auto-pilot with more chances to win!
LottoLishus gives you 3 ways to win on every draw, four days a week…Your personal ticket – you win 50%
All the tickets in your personal pool – you win 5% if any of those hits. Meteor Strikes – you could win 5% from ANYONE in the entire Lottolishus pool
Share your link with friends, family & co-workers to grow your lottery pool and increase your chances to win!
Mega Millions and Powerball with LottoLishus. The true Power of the Pool; chances to win from people you don’t even know.

Yours In Success,
Sammie Bonner
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