Want ALL Your Email Swipes and Subject Lines ALL Done For YOU? It’s Right HERE.

Just What You And I Have Been Waiting For, Hand Crafted Emails and Subject Lines.


This site has been open less than 48 hours and I have referred 49 members to the launch of EmailMarketing Masters. 

I Ain’t saying that to boast, I say it because it is true. My Grandpa said,  “Them that can brag without lyin’, let’um brag.”

Don’t let THIS one get away from you, it’s the real deal. There is not anything else like it on the planet.

I am only just a little smarter than the average bear, and If I can do it, I know you can too. I know You are smarter than me.

All YOU need to do is you start promoting TODAY while the conversion rates are still high.

Every person who joins from your referral link also gets added to your subscriber list and that is a huge plus.

I have promoted every launch of the Your Viral Group, all 17 of them. These promotions have built me a list of almost 4,000 people. I am so EXCITED about that list.

Email Marketing Masters has grown to over 500 members in less than 48 hours, folks, this is going to be  huge over the long haul.

Join Email Marketing Masters for Free

Thanks for reading my mail,

John Worsham
