[FIRST_NAME], What Is The Big Buzz About Stem Cell Treatments?

[FIRST_NAME] If you want a course of Stem Cell Treatments (5-10 treatments), you can expect to pay anywhere from $3,000.00 – $10,000.00 per treatment.

Luckily there is about to be much less expensive alternative.

These highly informative calls are the fastest way to become acquainted with the benefits of all of the ingredients we are using in StemSupport PLUS.

Dial in: 302 – 202 – 1115

Part 1: Stem Cell release, AFA & Fucoidan. Pin: 96076646

Part 2: Telomere Support and our longevity. Pin: 73094911

Part 3: Ingredients. PIN: 17493129


Regards, Garnett Banfield
