Receive 97 Dollars a pop with this!


How would you like to make $97 a sale plus make an assured income whether you sponsor anyone or not?
All you have to do is send out 15 to 20 emails per day on the company’s platform and you will earn regardless
of referrals or not. They also give you a free trial which gives you 5000 subscribers to email daily. For every
click from the emails you generate you will earn. Now back to the $97 commissions. I have set up a system
called $97 Cash System which if you join you will receive your own which does all the follow ups for you. It is
nice receiving $97 commissions. You can be on your way to receive some as well but even if you don’t you
will still earn regardless if you send the emails. Very easy to do and only takes like 15 minutes tops. Let
me tell you it is nice knowing that no matter what I will still earn everyday whether I receive commissions or not!
Whether you are a rock star recruiter or not this is for you. You can start with a free trial and see for yourself.
You can even take a Free Tour in the link below to check it out! I hope to have you on my team soon!
Click The Credit Link To Take The Free Tour!

To Your Success!
Jerry Weddle
