The Real Reason 97% of Affiliate Marketers Fail …

Hey it’s Seshadri…
We’ve all heard the stats in home business.
97% of people who get started don’t last.
For whatever reason this stat has stuck around for YEARS in spite of new technology, prospecting ideas, training and all the resources you could throw at a new affiliate or rep in your company.
Because regardless of the new shiny presentation, the new secret ingredient in your energy drink even says how slick your weekly conference calls or hangouts are…
You’re STILL not going to make any sales until YOU get a real human being to LOOK at the presentation, make a decision and buy!
Don’t worry — we’re going to solve this 3 step process for you today PLUS show you a way to start profiting from something BRAND NEW.
Before we do that…
There’s an even bigger problem once you start getting eyeballs on your business.
You see, when you DO get your presentation in front of someone — they’re usually not the RIGHT person. It’s kinda like opening up a surf shop in the middle of a big city — great products I’m sure.. but nobody wants them.
This is why you get more NO’s than YES’s in your prospecting.
If you need to get the RIGHT people and the RIGHT time to see your opportunity,
then you’re going to LOVE this new platform because it does EXACTLY that.
You choose WHO you want to get your message out to and this SMART SYSTEM does the legwork for you.
P.S. If you hadn’t figured it out yet…
This means:
More income.
More confidence.
Less stress.
Zero Confusion.
No rejection!
You See, for average, everyday people like you and me, it’s no wonder 97% of people quit on their dreams.
Frustration, overwhelm, all the hoops you need to jump through just to make a measly commission on the internet would make anyone go insane.
This is why there are so many people EXCITED to jump in and get early-bird access to this right now:
See You on the Inside…

To Your Success,
Seshadri, Digital Enterpreneur,