One of the free programs you can use to funds your advertising budget…


For more than a year now my good fried Frank Hester has had
a rotation of 10-12 free to join programs that he uses each
morning to earn a few hundred dollars each month that he
uses to fund the advertising in his paid programs.

Please note that he goes out and get referrals in these
programs because that increases the money you earn, but they
are free to join and free to earn so anyone can get tons of
referrals with hardly any effort.

One of those programs is AdRevSplit. It is totally free to
join and it pays 4 levels deep. If you just get 5 who get 5
through 4 levels of referrals you should easily pocket about
$40 per month just from this one program and he uses several
of these programs every day. One good thing about
AdRevSplit is that he personally knows the owner so we don’t
have to worry about anything going wrong with this one.

It is simple just watch this video to know how easy this is,
it takes about 2 minutes each day:

I bet most of you can have your first 5 free referrals by
next weekend. I shared it for the first time yesterday
and I already have referrals on my 3rd level.
