In a Slump?

Hey There!

You know, with all the stuff going on
today – it is a lot easier to just do
the bare minimum and hope for the best.

What motivates you? It has been said that
everyone is motivated by money. Sunny Suggs,
is actually am motivated by LACK of money, haha.

Fear is a great motivator… but it really
does not last. Just like being motivated
with money. Does not last.

Sunny has put together an ebook – called
Be Motivated Now. 77 tips on how to..
be motivated now and to stay that way!

A guy at a webinar said once – Just get in
your car and drive. Okay, the first question
is to where? Oh, does not matter, just see
where it takes you.

Well that is a fine plan for people who have
enough money to just go and do anything, but
then what?

When you get in the car, you almost always know
where you are going, and an approximate way of
getting there. Plan everything like that.

Know what you want to achieve– If you do not know
what you want to achieve, how will you know when
you achieve it? Deciding exactly what you want to
do is the beginning of staying motivated to finish it.

Get motivated to get somewhere today!


Tony Tezak

PS. Along with the Be Motivated Now ebook,
you will get 5 other ebooks as a bonus!